This is so well done. I subscribed immediately. My friends and I fell in love with this album back when I was, I don't know 23 or 24 - we spent a couple years quoting from it, especially "Walk Under Ladders." I've stayed true to her work ever since.

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This is fantastic on so many levels, and captures Armatrading's undefinable "thing" really well. She's got to be one of the most beloved yet unknown artists who touched some mainstream success while releasing NINETEEN studio albums across a 50-year career. Thanks for writing this!

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I love her records from this era so much (and I'm one of the aforementioned friends of Steve Pick's below). I have been a huge fan since 1982, when I was 16 and my then-boyfriend, who worked in a record store, bought me this album. It's just so great. I like some of her more conventional singer-songwritery stuff, too, like Willow. Her voice is beautiful and unaffected.

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